Janenne Eaton
Helen Maxwell Gallery at Silvershot
3rd Floor 167 Flinders Lane Melbourne, May 2006

Nothing banner (verso) skull & crossbones 2006 enamel on canvas 226x251cm
Punk followed the Elizabethan urge to bring threatening unwanted theatre to where those with power stay. Janenne Eaton's painting show shows us that some at-the-top feel some rage and disgust at where-we-are and what we-have-become. Direct and focussed it's like New York prowess. What we need is a new collector class of Cubs.
Geoff Lowe
3rd Floor 167 Flinders Lane Melbourne, May 2006

Nothing banner (verso) skull & crossbones 2006 enamel on canvas 226x251cm
Punk followed the Elizabethan urge to bring threatening unwanted theatre to where those with power stay. Janenne Eaton's painting show shows us that some at-the-top feel some rage and disgust at where-we-are and what we-have-become. Direct and focussed it's like New York prowess. What we need is a new collector class of Cubs.
Geoff Lowe